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Twin Peaks [2017]

Posted: 06/10/14, 12:26:50
by _Marcus_
Yeah, can't believe I just created this topic.

Thought I'd beat TC to it and make a whole new thread with just Twin Peaks talk since it's official.

This is so cool :woop:

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 06/10/14, 12:40:09
by darkness
Screw this fancy forum stuff, I'm going to go talk about it on usenet like I did when it aired the first time. :)

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 06/10/14, 17:44:15
by Alexhead
Well I'm facebook friends with Sherilyn Fenn and she just put up a pic of her and Lynch with a bunch of hearts, I hope that means she's in the plans.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 06/10/14, 17:44:15
by Alexhead
Well I'm facebook friends with Sherilyn Fenn and she just put up a pic of her and Lynch with a bunch of hearts, I hope that means she's in the plans.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 06/10/14, 18:52:23
by darkness
Lol, you felt so cool name dropping you had to do it twice? ;)

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 07/10/14, 00:53:53
by _Marcus_
Hell, if I was Facebook friends with Sherilyn Fenn, I'd namedrop her ALL the time.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 07/10/14, 11:01:21
by Alexhead
Heh, good old computers. Had a funny exchange with her a couple years back, she generally puts up inspirational memes and family pics, one meme she put up had a Marcus Aurelius quote and I responded along the lines of "hope things go better after this MA quote than the last time you heard one!" She had no idea what I was talking about and one of her friends started to jump down my throat for being a weirdo; she was a bit embarassed when I told her I was referencing her final scene in Twin Peaks.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 07/10/14, 18:54:26
by darkness
Lol, and then she got the restraining order just to be sure. :)
Considering how close she is with Lynch still I'm betting we'll see her in Season 3. And I'm still standing by my prediction that she's moved away and become someone rich or famous and returns to Twin Peaks only to hook up with Cooper once he escapes the lodge.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 11/10/14, 09:13:55
by TC
yeah, i travel again and jan hook dies, but twin peaks is resurrected. net win. couldn't believe the news, still kind of don't. crazy seeing our devotion pay off so many years later. feels kind of unreal. you know, appropriately lynchian.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 11/10/14, 09:36:39
by darkness
It's very strange. FWWM deleted scenes, new Peaks series, new Pink Floyd album, Eraserhead released by's like the whole entertainment world suddenly decided to cater specifically to me. I half expect to look out the window and find Rush playing on my front lawn.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 12/10/14, 20:45:35
by O-dot
I had a dream a few months ago that Rush was playing in a parking lot in west Little Rock.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 12/01/15, 17:04:56
by TC

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 13/01/15, 01:51:32
by _Marcus_

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 21/01/15, 09:53:39
by TC

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 21/01/15, 13:38:11
by _Marcus_
Was just about to post that, cool project!

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 16/03/15, 13:28:52
by _Marcus_
Have you guys been following the latest stuff surrounding TP 2016? The rumour is that Lynch is, right now, off the project :( Apparently there are still lots of details that has to be worked out with his contract. This from Will McCrabb on twitter:
Sad to report from a pal who's one of Lynch's assistants that he will not, (as of now) be returning to TWIN PEAKS.
The TWIN PEAKS deal is tricky. Lynch received creative control upfront. But, he wants a huge percentage of DVD&ST $$.
So right now, Lynch's contract is not a done deal. I guess we can say that much. If Lynch is out, I'm out. No two ways about it, it's not Twin Peaks without him. Also kinda doubt that Frost would do it if Lynch isn't onboard.

This sucks!

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 16/03/15, 13:37:36
by TC
i've heard all of this. i dug in a little and it seems some off-hand comments by lynch during an interview sparked people over-thinking things. as far as i can tell, the contracts are still being hammered out, which at this stage of pre-production, seems normal to me. i'm not ready to push the panic button yet. showtime wouldn't have committed to this without being ready to write checks.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 16/03/15, 14:03:18
by _Marcus_
TC wrote:i've heard all of this. i dug in a little and it seems some off-hand comments by lynch during an interview sparked people over-thinking things. as far as i can tell, the contracts are still being hammered out, which at this stage of pre-production, seems normal to me. i'm not ready to push the panic button yet. showtime wouldn't have committed to this without being ready to write checks.
Yeah, thats what odd about all of this. Keeping my fingers crossed for sure.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 16/03/15, 15:09:20
by Alexhead
So they're negotiating. I'm sure there isn't exactly a ton of precedence for doing what they're doing so I'm not shocked that it's not as easy as the big announcement made it look, although you would think the'd have shored up the major strokes on the dollars and cents before going public.

Re: Twin Peaks [2016]

Posted: 16/03/15, 15:28:32
by O-dot
Alexhead wrote: you would think the'd have shored up the major strokes on the dollars and cents before going public.
Sure, but a few years back they trotted out Bill Ward for the Sabbath reunion announcement even though he ended up bailing months later because he didn't like the terms they offered.