youtube is the best site ever. seriously. i mean, there is so much evidence pointing to such a thing. there's so much stuff on there that we would probably never have seen otherwise. we've all seen the hurt kermit thing along with all kinds of other ridiculous things, but just this morning i've seen two things that affirm my first statement - one is a "holy fuck, this is so awesome, i can't believe i have access to watch this whenever i want" video and the other is just a "ho-ly fuck, what the hell????" video:
[edit - edited the title to be more appropriate.]
great intarweb videos
Last edited by TC on 24/02/11, 14:41:02, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: keywords: hockey brawl canada ussr samwell what what in the butt
Reason: keywords: hockey brawl canada ussr samwell what what in the butt