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Re: Donnie Darko is amazing

Posted: 27/01/17, 09:58:28
by darkness
I'm skeptical. I don't think we really need a sequel to it. Donnie is dead, so anything is just going to be putting other characters into his place. Which they already did with S. Darko. I know Richard Kelly hasn't had much luck with success after Darko, but that's no reason to try to go back to the well needlessly. Don't be Kevin Smith.

Re: Donnie Darko is amazing

Posted: 27/01/17, 10:12:23
by TC
yeah i'm wondering what he envisions needs to be told. unless frank is a constant, which would be weird.

Re: Donnie Darko is amazing

Posted: 27/01/17, 12:57:31
by klimov
Hey, it's a paycheck, might as well.

Re: Donnie Darko is amazing

Posted: 09/04/24, 13:19:09
by TC
rewatched Donnie Darko again over the weekend. it is still a really good movie. the first half is chock full of very obvious and loving nods to Twin Peaks/Lynch, and i feel like it somehow sticks the landing ok. although, it is weird that in the end, i assume the child pr0n ring continues all so he could save the life of that girl he kissed once. such a promising debut feature from Kelly. while Southland Tales was very interesting, it was kind of a mess. but still, no reason his career should have only lasted 8 years and 3 films. i'd like to see him give things another shot.

Re: Donnie Darko is amazing

Posted: 13/04/24, 04:17:15
by darkness
I actually liked Southland Tales. Though I haven't watched it or Darko in years. I suppose I should re-visit them both soon.

Re: Donnie Darko is amazing

Posted: 13/04/24, 05:42:02
by TC
Oh i liked it, but am also aware it’s all over the place, not always in a good way.