Fango wrote: Brandon Cronenberg's INFINITY POOL Gets NC-17 Rating
Graphic violence and sexual content? In a Cronenberg movie? Now we've heard everything.
Here's an interesting news tidbit to start your day off with: according to the good folks over at Bloody Disgusting, Brandon Cronenberg's Infinity Pool (the follow-up to his terrifying 2020 mindfuck, Possessor) has been slapped with a good ol' fashioned NC-17 rating for "graphic violence and sexual content."
The film, which stars Alexander Skarsgård and Pearl herself, Mia Goth, is being distributed by NEON, who are reportedly in the process of appealing the decision. Sometimes that works! Sometimes it doesn't, and cuts get made! If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on neither Cronenberg or NEON budging on further cuts, but we'll just have to wait and see how this plays out.
In the meantime: what's Infinity Pool about? I'm glad you asked! Here's a highly vague plot synopsis, which is really all we have to go on right about now:
James and Em are young, rich, in love, and on vacation. Their all-inclusive resort boasts island tours and gleaming beaches. But outside of the hotel gates waits something much more dangerous and seductive, beyond the edge of paradise.
Given that this is a Cronenberg joint (and, really, this goes for both Cronenbergs, David and Brandon), we are absolutely unsurprised to hear that Infinity Pool might be testing the limits of the MPAA's rating system with sex and violence, but we are also delighted to hear it. Stay tuned for further updates as they roll in, and do be sure to go back and catch up with Possessor if you haven't already! That's some weird, wild stuff.
Re: Infinity Pool
2iHorror wrote:[Sundance Review] ‘Infinity Pool’ is a Bleak Examination of Identity
Brandon Cronenberg’s Infinity Pool arrived at Sundance Film Festival with a not-so-surprisingly bleak look at wealth, sex, and identity with body horror to spare.
Alexander Skarsgard stars as James Foster, an author suffering from writer’s block, who travels with his wife Em (Cleopatra Coleman) to the fictional island of La Tolqa. Visitors to the island are required by law to stay inside their resort compound, but after meeting up with the mysterious uber-wealthy couple Alban and Gabi (Jalil Espert and Mia Goth), they find themselves outside the gates.
On their way back to the compound, James hits a man with his car, killing him instantly, and is subsequently–without trial–sentenced to death. That’s when they offer him a deal. They have the technology to create a complete replica of him, with all his memories intact, who can die in his place.
Who would turn down a deal like that?
It begs the question, however: What does one do after you’ve seen yourself die? How do you recover from that?
Of course, James struggles with the answers for the next two hours. Skarsgard gives a brilliant performance in the role. Watching him break over and over and over again is terrifying and heart-breaking. And yet, there was more than one occasion where I wanted to shake him and tell him to snap out of it.
This is, in large part, due to Cronenberg’s writing and direction. He has taken a page out of his father’s handbook, broadly painting a canvas in which the wealthy cannot be trusted (duh), the poor will continue to do what’s bad for them because the rich tell them to (again, duh), and the only person who will suffer consequences of their actions are the poor who allowed themselves to be manipulated by the wealthy.
Sex is bad. Abstaining is bad. Wealth is bad. Being poor is bad. Life is bad. Death is bad. Making mistakes is bad. There is no such thing as a moral high ground except where Cronenberg, himself, is standing as the director/writer/god of the world he’s created.
Bleak, bleak, bleak, bleak, bleak.
Don’t get me wrong. It works. I enjoy the darkness of this kind of story. The visuals in the film will stick with you long after the credits roll. The body horror, itself, puts his father’s work to shame at times, as does his handling of the sex in Infinity Pool.
The problem was, as I sat considering the film afterward, I couldn’t help that I’d seen it all before, so the question becomes, “Was it all really necessary and could the same story be told in a way that was more effective?”
Mostly, I would say yes. Along with Skarsgard’s performance, Mia Goth is ravenous and wild in the role of Gabi. She is unhinged in interesting ways, often taking on the role of aggressor in unexpected twists. She is, ultimately, James’s foil, and she knows it almost from the moment they meet.
Goth reportedly received the sript for Infinity Pool while filming Pearl, the sequel to Ti West’s X. One can see a bit of overlap in the characters. The only real difference is that Pearl is the opposite of wealthy and therefore, her decisions come from an entirely different place.
Unfortunately, there’s not much else to be discussed without getting into heavy spoilers, and I do try to avoid those as much as possible. The only question that really remains is: Was it good?
It’s Cronenberg.
For some, this will be the best movie of the year. For others, it will be hated on principle. For this viewer, there is only one unforgivable sin a horror film can commit, and that is to be boring. Whatever else it is, Infinity Pool is not boring.
Check out the trailer below!
Re: Infinity Pool
3This (the R-rated version) finally hit streaming so checked it out over the weekend. My immediate feeling was that it's some weird Lost Highway/A Clockwork Orange mashup. I've seen people also say White Lotus/Spring Breakers, which I understand, but feel my comparisons are more accurate. It's a fascinating film. I think that parts might be greater than the sum of the whole, but I need to see it a few more times to decide that. I'm not sure I understand the ending. Also, I'm a little Mia Goth'd out. By the end, I wanted to run her over with that fucking car she was riding on. Her and her giant mouth, both literally and figuratively. Skarsgard is great in this. I don't know that I agree with the above "bleak bleak bleak" take, but it certainly paints the uber-rich as animals. It seemingly succeeds in riding that thin rail of self-awareness via Skarsgard's grooming and initiation into the hedonistic gang rather than go full POV of the gang and exalt in what they're doing, although Skarsgard eventually gets there himself, which may be why I'm a bit confused at the end (just realizing that while typing this). I did quite like it, don't know if I liked it as much Possessor, but again, needs more viewings. No qualms about highly recommending anyone on this board watch it.