by TC
The Godfather Coda: The Death Of Michael Corleone - it had been decades since I watched part 3, and i'd never seen the "coda" recut, which francis says more aligns to the vision he and mario had for part 3, so we watched this conclusion of the saga. i can't speak to the differences between this and the theatrical cut, as i have very little memory other than hating it. this version really isn't a terrible film, it is just a completely different thing, a completely different approach to the story than the first two. jumping so far ahead in time, with very few of the characters people had come to love, i don't know what else could be expected. i get that what's happening in the film echoes what's happening on stage at the opera, but really it just reminded me of Foul Play more than anything else. it's...fine? probably should have been left alone, but i'm sure so much money had been thrown at them that they had to do it. i guess the coda version is superior, but again, given the story they committed to, i don't think any amount of recutting was going to change opinions much. biggest standout to me was that al pacino looks like a completely different human. lost was his voice, his movements, his delivery, everything is just completely different. shrug. i know i'm not breaking new ground here.
Dark Winds - AMC show, only six episodes, basically a cop show except on a reservation. started out very interesting, but quickly completely abandoned any spiritual elements and became a pretty standard cop mystery. if you think about the things they set up early on, there are so many threads left hanging that just never get addressed again. kind of disappointing in that sense, but it was enjoyable, up until the end, which was pretty much as expected.