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Posted: 15/09/12, 22:35:35
by klimov
Fuck this guy.

Isn't it about time we dropped the PC bullshit? What is unacceptable here is using violence to respond to a different point of view (a sign of fear and insecurity, nb), or laying one ounce of blame for this pathetic behaviour at the door of filmmakers peacefully expressing their opinion. For once I'm in line with the neo-cons on this :mono:

Re: Really...

Posted: 16/09/12, 03:03:11
by _Marcus_
Personally, I think both sides of the argument are at fault here. Sure, we live in a world where everyone is too easily offended at times, but no matter how you twist and turn it, the people that claim they're the most offended are mostly white, western christian men. And I hate the term politically correct. It has become a shield for cowards to hide behind when they want to make a racist/offensive/degrading comment about something they dont understand. "Oh, stop being so politically correct" and all that (not saying that is you in this case, its just a general opinion).

That said, however, the right to freedom of speech must be safeguarded always. And that means anyone can be protected by it, morons or not. Violence like this is off course fucking stupid and it doesn't solve anything. I think that the violence is a result of a region that have powerful people who are taking advantage of the unrest and violence. These people are usually religious leaders. It's not islams fault, its religion as a concept.

This is me taking advantage of freedom of speech: All regions are insane and cruel. They case more problems than they solve and they let people get trampled on by other people claiming divine powers they, or anything else, possess.

End of rant.